Salam semua...
The other of my students asked me.."Sir...what is 1Malaysia?"
I stumbled for a few minutes...At last I replied...."Oh 1 a something about unity...all of us have to think as one...we should be united...yes..."
And I continued the storytelling session.
After the class..I went back to my desk and started to think what is 1Malaysia. The PM started the concept, or the vision...but truly speaking...if I ask you..."what is 1Malaysia?" Can you answer my question.
Lucky for me..I'm a I did one of my act!
It's a good concept...the concept sounds good...1MALAYSIA. But what it really is? Schools and Teachers can be the medium to enhance the concept of 1Malaysia if they know what exactly the PM's intention. Is it about unity? Being and getting together? Stand together? Mingle together? If yes..why now? And what happen to all the 'unity' before this?
The ex-PM came with his Islam Hadhari. Everybody was talking about it..but I dont think so all of them understood it. Me too. I dont. I only know 1Islam. And more people talking about it.
Well..I hope this noble concept and vision 1Malaysia wont get such a luck.
Salam 1Malaysia (What's that...)
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